Enterprise Enhanced Messaging For Your Business

txtmeQuick takes your phone number, the one found in thousands of online and offline directories and gives it the ability to send and receive text messages, photo text, video text and more. There is zero interference with your current phone lines because we have our own extensive networks, that work independently of your current phone provider, to handle your data traffic.

The first step is to check to make sure your phone number is still available in the text registry marketplace as you may own the voice rights to your number, but not the texting rights. We will let you know if for some reason your number is already taken. Next, you will be prompted to create an account and sign up for services. After you have completed registration you will get an email from us with instructions on how to access your online web console using your tablet, desktop or laptop computer.

You will see all the texts you have received on your tablet or computer. Sending and receiving texts using your console is simple and efficient for customers and businesses alike, and the X and Y generation comprise the majority of the market place and will only continue to grow over time. This generation also prefers texting to calling. So get ready to blow your competition out of the water and save time and money while doing it. The txtmeQuick revolution is here.

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